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Gregath Publishing e-zine 
Volume 3, Number 2
February, 2004
Helping writers, genealogists and computer users of all kinds

Please note that while an effort to generalize much of this text has been made, some references to "we, our, etc." still occur and much of the information provided applies to Gregath Company, Inc. and may not with other printer/publishers.  ALWAYS double check with your printer/publisher on every detail.


Table of Contents
You may click on each department below to go directly to that article.  At the end of each article (if supported) is a link back to this contents.

What's It Mean?
Design Inspiration
Book Manufacturing Concepts
Marketing Advice
Genealogy Ideas
Computer Help

What’s It Mean?

Offset Printing: A photo-duplicate of each page - achieved through the use of a plate made from an the original.
For other printing, publishing, marketing lingo, check our glossary at http://www.gregathcompany.com/gloss.html

Run across a word that you don't understand?  Try us - email us your word, term or phrase and we will see if we can shed some light on the matter!

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Design Inspiration

Make your publication special!  While there are many ways to accomplish this, one way is to number each book of your publication.  The easiest way to do this is to place a notation such as "First Edition, ___________ of 50" somewhere in the fore pages.  When the books arrive, you number the blank and, if so inclined, sign the book.  Another way to do this is to commission a particular numbered page go in each book.  Such as with a run of 100, there would be 100 different title pages each saying a different number of 100.  This can run into some additional expense if the "one of" pages are mechanically destroyed during the publication process.  With our process, the page can be replaced if destroyed.  However, the further along in the process it is when it gets destroyed means either a) more expense replacing it or b) that number would not exist. 

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Book Manufacturing Concepts

All production processes (of any type) have waste, one figure listed recently in a trade publication places destroyed pieces of projects at 5-10%, we generally are much lower.  This is why many publishers/printers employ the 10% rule (if you order 100, you may receive - and pay for - 110 or only 90).  When you order 200 from us, we actually produce more then what it would take to produce 200 books from the beginning to be sure of delivering  200.  If more than 200 are actually produced in the end, the author/customer has the option of purchasing them or the are destroyed at no additional cost to the author/customer.

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Marketing advice

Paid Advertising:

Display advertising can work to ones advantage. National advertising is well worth the effort and cost.  A one column, one inch long display advertisement in a genealogical magazine that is circulated nationally or internationally will usually bring a good response.  Depending on your target audience, display advertisement has been known to bring more interest then the same information placed in the classifieds or even marketplaces.  Advertising rates are usually published in each issue and can vary greatly from publication to publication. The same advertisement may be placed in target newspapers and topical (genealogy, Civil War, hobby, geographically targeted, etc.) magazines. 

This section is drawn from our online marketing advice at http://www.gregathcompany.com/service/marketing.html 

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Genealogy ideas

Cyndi Howells maintains an extensive list of many genealogy resources and aids at http://www.cyndislist.com For those that haven't worked much with this great site, it is a in-depth list of links, both free resources/items and for purchase/subscription.  There is very little actual original content/resources on Cyndi's List itself, but it is a great road map.

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Computer aid?!? - Identity Theft via email

Have you been getting any "returned to sender" email from addresses that you don't recognize?  Usually, when this happens and you recognize the email (but don't remember sending anything), you have a virus.  However, if you don't recognize the address, your email has probably been used by someone to spam.  How is this possible, you ask.  The same way putting your physical address on bulk postal mail.  The difference is that the post office disposes of bulk mail that is not deliverable.  The email system routes non-deliverable email back to whoever "sent" it.  Though we do NOT recommend it, you can send email from any address, known or made up (which may still turn out to be viable) by changing your email settings.  If this happens to you, we suggest double checking to be sure you don't have a virus first and then (if no virus):

  1. Contact your server and explain what seems to be happening.  Some servers could care less, but many would want to know because it may effect how their domain (the last part of your address after the @) is seen - and filtered/rejected - by other servers.  This can effect how your normal email is delivered.

  2. If you wish to keep your address, follow the instructions provided in Volume 2, Number 4 to set message rules to filter anything with the same subject line(s) as the bogus returned email.  This helps you sort "good" and "bad" email quickly.

  3. If you feel it is necessary, ask to change addresses.

  4. Email everyone you feel is important and explain what has happened.

  5. If you have a website that you post your email, make sure it is hidden such as a link that reads email me rather then the address typed out.

  6. If you have a website, you may want to post to it what has happened.  We added a notice page for this and other types of announcements.

Have a question or tip?  E-mail us.  We may be stumped, but either way you'll get a personal reply.

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About this e-zine

Gregath Co. is pleased to present information that may be of help to authors and genealogists on a monthly basis in this format.

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This set of directions is also the way to subscribe to this e-zine to get your own copy in your box monthly (if not already a subscriber).
NOTE: If trying to unsubscribe, supplying a different email address then the one you signed up with will result in multiple copies rather then being unsubscribed.

Back Issues available through http://www.gregathcompany.com/zine

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Copyright and reprint information

Gregath Co. is happy to give permission to forward this e-zine in its entirety, INCLUDING all contact information, to any person or group. To excerpt this e-zine for any form of reproduction, you must contact us to request permission. All material is copyright by The Gregath Publishing Company as staff members are responsible for the content. 

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