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Gregath Publishing e-zine 
Volume 8, Number 6
June, 2009
Helping writers, genealogists and computer users of all kinds

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Table of Contents
You may click on each department below to go directly to that article.  At the end of each article (if supported) is a link back to this contents.

What's It Mean?
Design Inspiration
Book Manufacturing Concepts
Marketing Advice
Genealogy Ideas
Computer Help

What�s It Mean? - NA

For other writing, printing, publishing, marketing lingo, check our glossaries at http://www.gregathcompany.com/gloss.html and

Run across a word that you don't understand?  Try us - email us your word, term or phrase and we will see if we can shed some light on the matter!

Design Inspiration

No book is required to have large headers or footers. This area is generally where the page number goes, but it is not required.

Other ideas for information in headers or footers:

This section is drawn from

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Book Manufacturing Concepts - NA

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Marketing advice

Digital books and tear sheets are a greener alternative to high quality published books, as the industry, make ready, waste standard is 10%. Though traditional tear sheets may be available with offset books, free of charge.

This section is drawn from

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Genealogy ideas

Newspapers Reveal Towns And Ancestors� Past

The hometown newspaper offers valuable and unique insight into the life of a community.  Within its pages, the story of the town and its citizens is revealed.  The citizens are our ancestors.

Details of an ancestor�s life are often found only in the newspaper.  Besides obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, peruse the gossip columns, society and lodge news, letters to the editor, legal notices and sports page.

Small towns and weekly newspapers are often the best.  They contain more personal local news and less state and national.  This is great for the genealogist.

Newspapers are also an excellent source for local history.  Sometimes, they are the only source.  Editors tend to have �their ear to the ground� and know what is happening.  Their articles on local events, politics and news may be the only record available or maybe the articles will suggest avenues for further research.

The Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) maintains the largest collection of Oklahoma newspapers.  The collection is not only the largest but also the most complete collection in the state.  It is estimated that they own over 90% of all newspapers published in Oklahoma.  The collection consists of over 4,000 different newspapers.  The newspapers are on 35,000 rolls of microfilm.

To learn if the society owns a particular newspaper consult the newspaper database found on the society�s web site ---http://www.okhistory.org/research/collections/newspapers.html.

In 1998 a paper listing of the collection was published.  Titled Index of Oklahoma Newspapers, the newspapers are alphabetized by title and by county.  The Family History Room at the Lawton Public Library owns a copy of this index.  These newspapers are not available through interlibrary loan.

Copies of articles from the newspaper collection are available.  The fee is $10 for Oklahoma residents.  OHS members receive a 10% discount of copy costs.  To order, the �Newspaper Order Form� must be completed and submitted.  Download the form at www.okhistory.org/research/forms/newspaperform.html.

(This information was taken from Paul Follett�s column Tree Tracers published in the Lawton Constitution on May 19, 2008.)

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Have a tip? 
e-mail us

Computer aid!?! - Can I do webpages easily myself?

Can I do webpages easily myself?

Webpages can be done easily with Microsoft Word, but that's only half the battle. For a basic billboard/order page, just use a free FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program you can download for free.  Build your page like any other document. When saving, choose "save as" a web page - usually named index (check your ISP for naming requirements). Next, FTP your MS Word built file to your online address (URL-Universal Resource Locator). For a nice author site, you'll want your own domain i.e. yourname.com or yourbook.com, as well as an easy to navigate site that contains several informational pages.

About this e-zine

Gregath Company, Inc. is pleased to present information that may be of help to authors and genealogists on a monthly basis in this format.

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Gregath Company, Inc. is happy to give permission to forward this e-zine in its entirety, INCLUDING all contact information, to any person or group. To excerpt this e-zine for any form of reproduction, you must contact us to request permission. All material is copyright by Gregath Company, Inc., as staff members are responsible for the content. 

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