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Free Value-Added Service

We will change your white on black documents (reverse) to black on white (standard) for you.
Please note we request a $5.00 minimum order that may be combined with other services or catalog orders.
If ordering at least 100 books, this service is free of charge!

How many of the records an author would like to include in a book that are reverse print?  

 microfilm hard copy 
 microfiche hard copy 
 old mimeograph 
 official hard copy 

This can result in a myriad of problems for both the continuity of the book as well as problems in the physical reproduction including shine through - where you can see the document on page 3 through the paper on page 4.  Because of this, if the author/submitter for an standard project follows the instructions below, we will scan your documents (at no charge if they are no larger than 8½x11") into the computer and reverse the print before printing out a black on white hardcopy to use in the plate making process - free of charge to the author. White on black items are almost certain to show through the opposite side of the paper - even high opacity.

Note: This free service is an "all or nothing" reversal - we can not reverse sections of a document leaving others the same for free.  Additionally, creases, scratches, stickers, etc. reverse as well. Regardless of how "clean" the document appears after reversal, quite often the black text document will print in a book much better than a black background one.  See examples below.  Some additional "clean up" work can be done, but it is often time consuming and expensive.  The example below is of the free service:

From This To This



How to submit your reverse documents for this free service:

Hardcopy: Handle these reverse document pages like photos: Reverse documents should remain unattached to the page (or to each other), with placement and page ID on back side of the reverse document. Example: two reverse documents on page 23 marked/IDed 23a and 23b. Post-It notes are becoming popular for this type of identification. The manuscript page should have identical reverse document placement notations (top blank spot on 23 marked a, bottom marked b). Optional, but requested - arrange your reverse documents on each page for placement, and copy the page as we request with photos.

Digital: If individual files of documents already exist or you are going to scan them, prepare the manuscript as noted above.  Provide individual files and submit them in a non-compressed format such as a bitmap, tiff or Photoshop file scanned at a minimum 300 dpi.  Compressed files such as .jpg and .gif work fine online, but shouldn't be used to print a book with unless it is the only copy available.  The higher dpi the scan, the better quality document file we will have to work with for the project.  Place only one document per file and identify/name it as you would an hardcopy document (see above).  Currently, our company does not accept files by email, zip disks, nor files that span more than one disk.  Because of this, CD-R (Compact Disc - Read only or pre-approved online transfer) is suggested for file submittal, but DVD, USB drives and 3½" floppies are also possible.

Your "micro" originals: Contact us to discuss producing digital or hard copy versions directly from your microfilm or microfiche.

All reverse documents should be grouped and placed in the top of the manuscript box, before sending to the printer.

Reverse documents that are not prepared for offset printing in the requested way are subject to be printed "as is", or a small fee may be charged for the service due to extra ink use.

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Page Last Updated: August 10, 2021

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