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Gregath Publishing e-zine 
Volume 3, Number 6
June, 2004
Helping writers, genealogists and computer users of all kinds

Please note that while an effort to generalize much of this text has been made, some references to "we, our, etc." still occur and much of the information provided applies to The Gregath Company and may not with other printer/publishers.  ALWAYS double check with your printer/publisher on every detail.


Table of Contents
You may click on each department below to go directly to that article.  At the end of each article (if supported) is a link back to this contents.

What's It Mean?
Design Inspiration
Book Manufacturing Concepts
Marketing Advice
Genealogy Ideas
Computer Help

What’s It Mean?

Call-outs: Brief passages of text lifted from within the publication placed in larger type size (and occasionally font) to gain attention.  They are often inserted into the text (divided by the change of font/size, sometimes boxed, or with other graphics) as an element which breaks the text or copy.  Usually, it is "teaser" copy - attention-getting and draws readers into the item.

For other writing, printing, publishing, marketing lingo, check our glossaries at http://www.gregathcompany.com/gloss.html and

Run across a word that you don't understand?  Try us - email us your word, term or phrase and we will see if we can shed some light on the matter!

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Design Inspiration - 

When putting out more than one family (line) book, this can be done as totally separate books with different design choices.  They can also be put out as volumes in the set of your family.  These would utilize the same design choices and be numbered.  Volumes can also be sold as sets or individual volumes easier than a group of family books that are not a "set".

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Book Manufacturing Concepts -

In an effort to increase our economical services, for a limited time, what used to be our standard buckram hardbound price for books of 100+quantity has now become "standard" and the books will be rounded as well as carry spine bars at no additional cost.

This section is drawn from information online at http://www.gregathcompany.com/hb/index.html 

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Marketing advice - Press Release Tip

Have someone else (just like your book) take a look at the press release before you send it out for constructive suggestions.  Many times they provide great insight as to how much the author leaves out about themselves.

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Genealogy ideas

Have an "ancestor swap".  Have a pre-determined time period that you and a fellow researcher (or group) works on your line while you work on theirs.  This can sometimes produce better results than just "picking their brain" for helpful suggestions on a problem you have.

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Computer aid?!? - Anti-virus tip

Today's internet is full of people who want to do bad things - or what we as genealogists consider bad.  In addition to those who want to collect all the information they can about you to use, there are those who just want to see how much they can mess up the internet.  These folks are ever evolving that nasty bunch of programming we call "virus" or "worm".  Now, lets say sends you and email and they are 120% sure they sent a "clean" email, so you then decide to open it.  Do Not before scanning it yourself.  The reason is that some new bad programs can attach "in transit".  Always be careful, unless you like dealing with any symptoms your computer may exhibit once infected.

Have a question or tip?  E-mail us.  We may be stumped, but either way you'll get a personal reply.

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About this e-zine

The Gregath Company is pleased to present information that may be of help to authors and genealogists on a monthly basis in this format.

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The Gregath Company is happy to give permission to forward this e-zine in its entirety, INCLUDING all contact information, to any person or group. To excerpt this e-zine for any form of reproduction, you must contact us to request permission. All material is copyright by The Gregath Company as staff members are responsible for the content. 

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