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Gregath Company e-zine 
Volume 9, Number 9
September, 2012
Helping writers, genealogists and computer users of all kinds

Please note that while an effort to generalize much of this text has been made, some references to "we, our, etc." still occur and much of the information provided applies to Gregath Company, Inc. and may not with other printer/publishers.  ALWAYS double check with your printer/publisher on every detail.

Table of Contents
You may click on each department below to go directly to that article.  At the end of each article (if supported) is a link back to this contents.

What's It Mean?
Design Inspiration
Book Manufacturing Concepts
Marketing Advice
Genealogy Ideas
Computer Help


What�s It Mean?

Adhesive binding: Soft or hard type binding - most associated with perfect soft  binding. Pages held together by adhesive/glue, rather than any form or sewing or mechanical attachment (stapled). Block then attached to paper (soft) or hard cover case.

*Mechanical binding: Bindings utilizing a mechanical medium of fastening such as wires, staples, or plastic. Gregath classified as soft or hard type binding.

For other writing, printing, publishing, marketing lingo, check our glossaries at http://www.gregathcompany.com/gloss.html and

Run across a word that you don't understand?  Try us - email us your word, term or phrase and we will see if we can shed some light on the matter!

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Design Inspiration

Be careful if scaling (enlarging or reducing) graphics. You can have a very high quality graphic, but if you enlarge it 800% to fit your idea of the cover, it will generally loose focus and/or pixilated. The lower the quality, the less you can enlarge a graphic. As a rule, reduction is not a quality issue, unless it is shrunk so small that little or no detail is visible. Keep in mind, if using a photo quality, or other high quality computer printer to view your graphic print outs that production machines do not always match or exceed this high end, consumer quality - unless specifically commissioned.

Graphic files that are layered should be sent in their native format, as well as being flattened into a single layer, for original artwork. If sending PDF, be sure that the conversion "locks down" all fonts.

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Book Manufacturing Concepts

Softbound books can be bound in several available styles. Currently, the most popular is the Perfect Bound or wrap around cover. Perfect binding utilizes a hot glue process and allows for both front, back, and spine imprinting, in most cases. Note that because the adhesive adheres the cover directly to the pages, this is not considered a "lay flat" option. While these attractive softbound books may be done in any thickness, the durability of perfect binding declines in books containing more than 300 pages.  The perfect binding method for softbound books is commonly offered in no fewer than 100 book orders, as smaller runs are not cost effective utilizing this method due to set up charges.

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Marketing advice

Some basic pages (any category may be multiple pages) you may wish to have include in an author/book website include:

This section is drawn from http://www.gregathcompany.com/web/

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Genealogy ideas - Network

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Have a tip? 
e-mail us

Computer aid!?! - not in this issue

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Have a tip? 
e-mail us

About this e-zine

Gregath Company, Inc. is pleased to present information that may be of help to authors and genealogists on a monthly basis in this format.

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Copyright and reprint information

Gregath Company, Inc. is happy to give permission to forward this e-zine in its entirety, INCLUDING all contact information, to any person or group. To legally excerpt this e-zine for any form of reproduction, you must contact us to request permission. All material is copyright by Gregath Company, Inc., as staff members are responsible for the content. 

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