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Twenty-five years of personal genealogy research.
I have an avid curiosity of history and family which combines for
zealous and exhaustive efforts. Recently completed research and
documentation necessary to join DAR as a descendant of two revolutionary
war ancestors. Many hours each week are dedicated to volunteering
for online research requests through Facebook groups.
My professional career in the legal world has offered the
benefit of allowing me opportunity for investigation, insight into the inner
workings of the courts, and the availability of courthouse records.
I have attended conferences such as Rootstech, NGS and FGS absorbing as much
knowledge as possible from nationally recognized teachers, which I then
incorporate into my personal research and research for others.
The next step is to payback the assistance I have received,
by uniting my years of research and education and guiding others down the road
to their beginning.
A trip to the local courthouse to locate meaningful
records can be intimidating and overwhelming, especially the first
time. What do I do before I travel to the courthouse? What types of
records does the courthouse contain? In what department do I start?
There are basic steps to facilitate that expedition to the courthouse.
The steps should include, preparation, organization, documentation and
analysis. Let’s take those courthouse steps one at a time to take your
research trip from overwhelming to outstanding.
the Family Yarn
This presentation takes family stories and breaks them
down with known documentation to either prove or disprove with basic
genealogical tools of a timeline and vital records. We will review a
case study of a particular family story which includes riches,
kidnapping of a child and death. Every story can hold clues to further
your research. Learn how to take that family yarn and utilize it in
building your family history.