Gregath Company, Incorporated PO BOX 505, Wyandotte, OK 74370, USA
Phone 01-918-542-4148 Phone Hours: 9-3 CT/M-Th | Emails generally answered within one working day
Native Texan, Steve was born in Plainview, the
Panhandle of Texas. Married to a beautiful Okie, he moved to Tulsa,
Oklahoma in 1985. Currently employed as a controller for a local
manufacturing company, he has over 25 years experience in the accounting
Steve became an avid genealogist in 1999. “I
found that my love of history has added to my addictive interest in
genealogy.” Being avid about this “second profession”, he has taken
numerous courses on genealogy through the Tulsa Genealogy Center and the
Tulsa Genealogical Society. Steve has participated in numerous
workshops offered in the area.
Actively involved in the Tulsa Genealogical
Society, Steve served four years on their Board or Directors. He has
served as the chair for both the Finance and the Ways and Means
committees. Serving currently on the Strategic Planning Committee and
on the Annual Workshop as Vendor Chairman, on his free Saturdays, he
volunteers at the Tulsa Genealogical Society’s research library.
How to Get Started and Organizational Hints
9:45 AM - Monday
A beginners class as well as a refresher for anyone. It would include the use of
pedigree charts and family group sheets, collecting and documentation, revisit
the differences between primary and secondary resources, letter writing
courtesy, organizational tips, suggested supplies and setting up files. In a
nutshell a return to basics to remind intermediates and help the beginner.
Presentation showing the westward movement of our
ancestors utilizing the country's waterways from Colonial times to post
Civil War. This program would help show the inland migration of our
ancestors using alternative means other than the conventional wagon and train.